Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Pavoori Iurisdicerate and Iohannes Vazeille

The Pavoori Iurisdicerate was an independent ecclesiastic body of the First Amalgamated Church that dealt with the "Low Matters" of the Church. The Low Matters were a result of remnants of the Italo-Roman Presbylutheranism that survived the many reforms and mergers that grew into the FAC. As the continuing followers of a Creed, they were early targets of persecution until Iohannes Vazeille, the son of an Presbylutheran minister and FAC missionary, convinced the Rabbi-Pape he could quietly deal with the orthodox-ers.

He traveled Pavoori at once, and found the Presbylutherans hiding in the cold marshes. Moments after he announced himself, he was tried and sentenced to death by burning. Tied to the stake, he watched the matter with such general disinterest the Presbylutherans began to question him. Iohannes explained that, because of his conversion to the FAC and subsequent faithfulness, he feared nothing of death. Either God/Goddess/gods would welcome him into the afterlife, or he would simply fall into oblivion because there was no afterlife. He explained "the great and rich Church has a place for all thoughts and beliefs or none at all. Whatever is the desire of the believer, not the deity/ies."

Intrigued, the Presbylutherans withheld his sentence of death and let him preach from the stake, and Iohannes evangelized to the people for three straight days. He later attributed his zeal and stamina to, not a deity or providence, but the large quantities of speed and uppers he consumed before beginning his journey. By the end of the three days he had converted 5 of 250,000 people, the rest simply being so confused by the missionary's preaching they agreed to release him. Iohannes was not allowed to leave, but instead live amongst the Presbylutherans and continue to preach. He converted few more during his next 20 years, but succeeded in convincing them to let him return to qR and petition the Rabbi-Pape for a unique ecclesial body that would permit the Presbylutherans to join the FAC and end their persecution, but retain their unique beliefs.

Iohann left Pavoori for qR, and after many long-winded conversations with the Rabbi-Pape, succeeded in creating the Pavoori Iurisdicerate with Iohannes Vazeille as the Sui Lord. The Pavoori Iurisdicerate had no authority or influence outside its own territory, and the Druishian Priesthood Board demanded that they adhere to the "Belief is All", "Belief is None" and "No Creed Enforcement" laws. Iohannes agreed and returned to Pavoori, establishing the Iurisdicerate without any further trouble. He eventually constructed "The Last Cathedral", an massive worship center inspired by the high art of Presbylutheranism and acted as the Sui Lord's seat of power.

For the next 50 years the Pavoori Iurisdicerate flourished, albeit somewhat confined, with Vazeille as its head. At 78 years old, the Sui Lord was called upon by the Atheist, Agnostic, and Non-Religious Sector of the FAC to reform the Religious Adherent Sector after Age of Discord, an era in which the hierarchs of the FAC were greatly influenced by Discordian and Eristic philosophies and nearly lead to the annihilation of the Church as a whole. Iohannes left Pavoori in the charge of Presbylutheran Superintendent Augsburg Stanley, and traveled to qR to meet with the 0.1 System Administrator of the AANRS and the acting-Archierarch of the RAS to address the issues effecting the FAC.

With no Rabbi-Pape at the time and the Red Elders currently away electing the next successor, Iohannes was forced to address the issues at the basic levels, namely the Monaseminaries, Ward-Stakes, and Dioparchies. The 0.1 System Administrator and Iohannes manipulated the Druishian Inquisitive Committee by convincing them that the Discordian philosophy was in face a Creed being enforced, and a Mental Crusade was needed to cleanse the FAC. The result was a loss of the Archierarchs of the FAC and subsequent loss of leadership, leaving the acting-Archierarch in complete control of the FAC.

Iohannes then began enacting the reforms he had written up, pushing them through the hierarchs and bringing order back to the RAS. The reforms had a very Pavoorist slant to them, and thus many Presbylutheran ideas began to influence much of the theological and philosophical thought of the FAC. Sunni-Christianism became a popular trend in Monaseminaries (which later led to the rise of Elphias Temportus Repotus II as Guru-Imam) and led to a predominant call for Pavoorist ministers. Presbylutheran high art was adapted to the architecture of qR, and the Rabbi-Pape's Chapel in the Grand Basilimosqple reflects this influence.

Eventually, the Red Elders offered Iohannes the Rabbi-Papery, but he refused it for a wish to return to Pavoori. The Red Elders decided to elect Aleister Baronious Levironic XX (the predecessor of the current Rabbi-Pape), a sympathetic hierarch to the "Pavoori Reforms" and compromise candidate. Iohannes submitted to the new Rabbi-Pape and returned to Pavoori, where he continues to live till this day. Sui Lord Iohannes Vazeille recently celebrated his 112th birthday by having Superintendent Augsburg killed when it became clear he was behind the recent assassination attempt on the Sui Lord's life.

Monday, October 19, 2009

When A Mind Has No Filter...

Note: This has been edited from a far more controversial and, frankly, offensive note. Because humour is humour, but some humour gets you killed. Like anything about the Muslims.

You what's a neato name? Enoch. But of course, like anything one minute you find yourself quoting the Bible, then suddenly you find yourself sucking down Darjeeling with Marie Antoinette and her little sister...

But I digress.

The point is, women are just second-class citizens. It's not their fault. They are just massive roller coasters of emotion! What with their periods and pregnancy and children...

Clearly, it makes them ineligible to work along side or even above men in government...or life in general

But what really gets me is these men who become women. I mean, that's Dr. Frankenstein right there. I don't know how they do it - I think they use silly putty - but it just wrong.

However, we should be sensitive to those who find themselves...I don't know...confused.

Like gays. Poor disillusioned people. Maybe one day they'll get better, I don't know.

Take my best friend Kenneth, and his roommate Jeff. Good friends, working as partners to find the right women to spend the rest of their lives with.

Been looking for the past five years together...

I don't actually recall any girlfriends of theirs...

But they are very picky.

But the point is, you don't see them going off and getting their Mr. Doodles cut off. Because they know what it means to be a man.

But let's reflect on the theological implications.

  1. God is a man.
  2. Jesus, who is God, is a man.
  3. The Holy Spirit is a man, since Jesus was a man and Jesus is God, and God is also the Holy Spirit.
  4. Therefore, God is a man.

So therefore women are less or second-class.

I'm no St. Thomas Aquinas, but this pretty clear theology.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-women.

I love women.

Some of my best friends are women.

My wife, for instance, is a woman.

Or rather, my wife would be a woman if I had one.

But that's beside the point.

The point is, feminism is bad because it gives women ideas. It insists that women be educated. How can any man dominate his household if a women thinks?

First rule of any form of control: Keep women ignorant.

They can't tell you what you are doing wrong if they don't know what you are doing. Or anything for that matter.

So therefore, my dear friends, we find at the end of this epic saga a concise and clear reason why random Bible reading is dangerous.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Concise History of the Remnant Universe - Part 1

In September 2009, two young men discovered something that changed the world as we know it. The first thing they discovered is that Russian stereotypes tend to be misleading. The second thing was that not all Germans are Nazis.

With the discovery of these things, the world began to make a little less sense for humanity. Relying on these preconceptions, humanity had created the universe as we know. With these truths revealed, the universe imploded.

But of course, with there being so much crap in the universe everything didn't implode properly and instead sorta meshed all together in a giant blob of matter. All the planets crashed together, allowing Al Gore to terraform the moon and proclaim himself emperor. The moon became a haven for environmentalists. The implosion of the universe caused Mars to fracture and reveal the ancient ruins and technology that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used to overthrow the President and declare herself Agitated Dictator of America.

Though the planets all were crammed together they aligned enough to open the Negative Zone, which allowed the dinosaurs return after being banished there after the meteor hit Earth.

Which meant that the Catholic Church elected its first T-Rex Pope, and the New Russian Empire to grant its KGB Inquisitors raptor steeds. Agitated Dictator Clinton then used the newly discovered Martian technology to conquer China, which began the Inter-Dimensional World War with the New Russian Empire and the Empire of the Moon.

Pope Triassic I made pleas for peace while simultaneously moving the Vatican to the remnants of Mexico City, establishing the Mexicano Papacy for the next thirty decades. However, Pope Triassic I's calls for peace were overshadowed by the Catholic-Orthodox Wars, started by the Pope himself when, during an Ecumenical Summit at Assisi, Triassic I ate the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.

With the loss of one of the key pillars of the Christian Faith, a second implosion of the henceforth named "Remnant Universe" occurred, opening that nonlinear temporal phenomenon known as the Nexus. The opening of the Nexus precipitated two main events; the return of Captain James Tiberius Kirk and the emergence of the Crab-People of Neptune into Remnant history. The Nexus awakened the dormant Crab-People (also called the "Mi-Go") from their catacombs under the icy surface of Neptune after long centuries of slumber, who then rode a passing comet toward the Earth.

The comet hit the moon and split it into two parts; the larger one eventually becoming the Empire of Luna; and the smaller the Empire of Diana. Capt. Kirk was at this time chosen Ambassador of the Agitated Oligarchy of America, and on the Moon when the Crab-People's comet hit. A survivor, he was soon after chosen as the first meal of the Crab-People.

And thusly, sharks at this time grew legs and developed technology that allowed them to walk on land. Soon, a great white shark is chosen as the new Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, and with the balance restored to Christianity, the Nexus is sealed.

Soon after, Pope Triassic I dies after choking on the corpse of Kanye West, and a reincarnated John Calvin is elected pope by the College of Cardinals.

He is subsequently tried for heresy and burned at the stake.

With no pope to govern the Church, the Nexus reopens and destabilizes the Remnant Universe, and Capt. Kirk is once again brought to life. Chosen again as ambassador, he is sent to negotiate with a group of Neanderthals masquerading as pirates who appeared from the Nexus. He is killed during the talks and his skull is used as a codpiece by the Neanderthal pirate captain.

With the Nexus causing havoc all over the Remnant Universe, the governments soon begin to take notice as to what has happened to many other world powers and religions. The Zoroastrians, for instance, have been assumed into what they think is Heaven, but is really a Scientology holding cell orbiting the Remnant Earth and process thetan energy into atomic weapons. The Muslims busy themselves by killing all the Mohammads that pop out of the Nexus. Great Britain has fallen to the Saxons, and subsequently the Anglican Church ceases to exist. The Episcopalians of America take over and reform the church into a Judeo-Wiccan Coven, which makes the island of Lesbos their See and elects Rosie O'Donnell as their Archbishop. Eventually, the Judeo-Wiccans all die out because all the women become Lesbians and they have never master IVF.

With the Nexus still open, Capt. Kirk keeps returning to life, only to be killed again and again in more and more tragic and bizarre circumstances. In an attempt to restore order to the universe and prevent the continuing death of Capt. Kirk, the Cardinals convene a conclave in Mexico City, where a cloned wooly mammoth is elected pope (named Pliocene I) and permits the Nexus to be sealed again.

Meanwhile, because the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople is a walking great white shark, no one can understand him (something which is not a problem for the Catholic Mammoth Pope, who knows sign language). Thus the Moscow Patriarchate kills him and the Nexus opens again. But because the Nexus is open so many times the Remnant Universe fractures again and causes Agitated Dictator Clinton to lose power. The New Russian Empire Tsar seizes the opportunity to overthrow the Dictator and become the dominate world power. In time, advances in the cloning method allow Russia to clone Josef Stalin, but the new Tsar only succeeds in killing the entire population in Russia with his weather device.

A paradox emerges and a Jewish Capt. Kirk appears, who believes himself to be Moses and leads the Jewish people to Israel, taking over the Holy Land. Leonard Nimoy appears and - actually being a Jew - outs Capt. Kirk as not a non-Jew, which allows him to seize control of the Holy Land and become King of Jerusalem. Capt. Kirk flees to Mexico City, where his head is crushed by Pope Pliocene I who accidentally sits on him.

Capt. Kirk's death is short-lived as he appears once again out of the Nexus and is elected Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. The Nexus is sealed again, but soon King Nimoy uses his political pull with the New Russian Empire to have Capt. Kirk killed, setting in his place William Shatner. However, because Shatner was not canonically elected the Nexus opens again.

Thus Pope Pliocene I calls a crusade...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Hæresiarchian Church and Luthorian Creed

In 22,189 A.D., the FAC underwent a near splinter. The causes had been long in the making; and the blame fell mostly on the actions of Bodh. Lama St. Isaiah Francesco Asimoff I. The deceased Rabbi-Pape's promotion of the Hæresiarchs had given them such a power base that not even the Druishian Inquisitive Committee could have them removed. With citagogues and symples in virtually every Branch of the FAC and Britannia Imperium territory, the rule of the Hæresiarchs was inescapable. With the Red Elders still deliberating to elect a new Rabbi-Pape, the management fell to the Archierarchs of the Four Great Branches - in this case, the Hæresiarchs. Without the worry of a Mental Crusade or reproach of any other hierarch (for none could truly challenge them in might), the Hæresiarchs began pushing forth teachings in a dictatorial manner - and eventually an exclusive and concrete foundation began to be formed. At the head of the Hæresiarchs was Archierarch Martin Luther, who had been pull from 1546 A.D. by the Hæresiarchs to lead their cause.

Cured of any maladies and sicknesses, the renewed German theologian developed a restrictive doctrine to be implemented in the FAC - preaching that the Druishian Priesthood's Law of Tolerance and Inclusiveness was an injustice to the people of Terocea (Earth) and offensive to God. Luther drew his interpretation from the theology of the Masculine Divine Traditions within the FAC, and using fragments of the ancient and defunct text of the Judeo-Panglican Church - the King Charles Bibiloteque - he developed what was called by the FAC hierarchy 'the Luthorian Creed'. The followed

"A belief in the One, Masculine Father-God,
the five Primas,
the ineffability of the Bibiloteque,
the inscrutability of the Hæresiarchs
the rejection of the belief of non-heresy,
the rejection of polytheiogamy and
the sole acceptance of monotheiogamy..."

With the support of the Hæresiarchs, the Creed was published and preached in all of the Hæresiarch-controlled citagogues, tosques, monaseminaries, and symples. The Hæresiarchs had officially created a Church within a Church, with Luther as its Archæresiarch. When the Red Elders announced their choice for the Rabbi-Papery, they found the Branches in chaos. Abandoning their choice, they quickly re-chose their candidate as a time-clone of John Paul George, making the new Rabbi-Pape yet another clone of the man (All previous JPGs had been time-clones or bio-clones).

Rabbi-Pape John Paul George MMVI ascended the throne with little pomp and celebration, quickly summoning Luther to the FAC's pocket dimension of qR to answer for his enforcement of the shame of Creed. The Archæresiarch ignored the summons and prepared his forces for a interdimensional and intergalactic war. The Rabbi-Pape, with the support of the Britannian Empress, amassed his fleets and armies in qR; using the dimensional gates littered throughout the pocket dimension, he launched systematic attacks against the Hæresiarchian forces, killing billions of 'compromised individuals' and purging the creed-enforcers from the Great Branches. The Hæresiarchian forces were formidable, but Luther never believed the Rabbi-Pape would enforce such a slaughter of countless people, and he had instructed his forces to defend the people no matter what the cost.

His forces decimated and bastions destroyed, Archæresiarch Luther and the other Hæresiarchs fled through a dimensional portal and stole a galaxy-cruiser, fleeing into the Horse Head Nebula and eventually wandering into Galactic Catholic Church-controlled systems. What happened to them next is not known - rumors range from their exile from GCC systems, to their death in a final fight with FAC and GCC forces, to their reconciliation and acceptance into the GCC. What is known is that JPGMMVI conducted one of the most brutal and devastating Mental Crusades in the history of the FAC, mind-wiping a total of 92% of the FAC laity and 53% of the clergy, purging as much of the Luthorian Creed as he could.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Druishian Priesthood

The Druishian Priesthood Board began as a small cult of fanatics integrated into the FAC by Rabbi-Pape Hadrian VII because of the aid they played in capturing and holding Jeru-Mecca in 2066 A.D., so that he could convene the First Amalgamated Gathering and establish a capital for his desire of a global theocratic empire. Once absorbed in the complex structure of the FAC, Hadrian VII raised a number of the most rabid and devout to the service of his personal protectors and advisors. For the rest of his reign, the scarlet cloaked Druishian priests were a common sight when the Rabbi-Pape was present, their faces streaked with deep gashes made in devotion to their beloved master.

Following the death of Hadrian in 2101 A.D., Rabbi-Father Changstein el-Gammal announced the successor of the Rabbi-Pape as John Paul George I, whose first act was to move the FAC to Londonium and abolish the Druishian guard. He returned them to Jeru-Mecca, where he turned over care of Hadrian’s Grand Synamosque to them. John Paul George I was rumored to have used their services once before their return to Jeru-Mecca - the assassination of Rabbi-Father el-Gammal. In the years that followed, the Druishian Priesthood was left alone as JPGI began his systematic formation of the FAC’s hierarchy and organization until 2167 A.D., when the Galactic Catholic Church returned from the Outer Colonies of the Horse-Head Nebula and retook Italy, establishing the first Papal territory on Terocea (Earth) in over 100 years.

With the threat of Catholic orthodoxy suddenly present, JPGI recalled the Druishian Priesthood from Jeru-Mecca to Londonium, where the Rabbi-Pape had established his Symple. To root out and evangelize to those who were being lead astray by the Catholics, the Rabbi-Pape restructured the Druishian order into a more organized and structured administration, dividing it into the Druishian Priesthood Board which governed and oversaw the other organizations, orders, and committees associated with the FAC while rooting out any threat of orthodox or creed; and the Druishian Inquisitive Committee, which was responsible for evangelism and spread of Amalgamation, while rooting out those spreading and sympathetic to orthodoxy in FAC and the Britannia Imperium’s territories.

During this time a more notable change was made among the Druishian clergy; that is, they began to appear more groomed and professional and JPGI often employed their services for his own liturgies and processions. As the Druishians Priesthood advanced in power, they found that their only rival was the independent Rabbinical Suffrage, created long ago by Rabbi-Father el-Gammal to act as the legal branch of the FAC. While the Druishians were granted more and more power within the bounds of the hierarchy, their territorial expansion beyond Jeru-Mecca was hindered by the bureaucracy and red tape of the Suffrage. The Rabbi-Fathers had no doubts in their minds that the Druishian Priesthood - along with the current Rabbi-Pape - was responsible for their founder's assassination, and prevented any and all means of expansion. Thus Jeru-Mecca and Londonium were the only two City-States that supported Druishian Monaseminaries, Ward-Stakes, and Dioparchies.

Hindered and frustrated, the Druishians petitioned the Rabbi-Pape, whose favouritism of the Druishians prompted him to relocate the Rabbi-Fathers to the Neo-Babylonian Oligarchy of the West. There the constant upheaval and chaos severely dampened the Suffrage's influence while the Priesthood's flourished. As the Mental Crusades continued under the High Druistolic Administator, JPGI's reign was coming to a close. Millions of faithful who had been subjugated to the mental recognitions of the Crusade and left mindless drones, leaving behind embittered family members who sought revenge against the Priesthood and the Rabbi-Pape. Fortunately for the Rabbi-Pape, he was safe in the Symple fortress in Londonium. Unfortunately for the Rabbi-Pape, his concubine was one of the embittered family members, and subsequently smothered him in his sleep.

A hero to the people, the Red Elders prevented a collapse of the FAC by electing the concubine to the Rabbi-Papery, become the Church's first female Archierarch and Rabbi-Papess. Taking the name Helena Amashion Reddium I, the Rabbi-Papess abolished the Mental Crusade, seceded Italy to the GCC, recalled the Rabbinical Suffrage from the West and sent the Druishian Board into the Oligarchian regime under the pretext of evangelism and the spread of Amalgamation, but in truth her intent was the utter decimation of the priesthood.

While at first it seemed the order had been destroyed, four thousand years later the Druishian Priesthood Board reestablished contact with the FAC and reported it had taken the Eastern coastline, bringing a portion of the Neo-Babylonian Oligarchy's territory under the aegis of Amalgamation. The reigning Rabbi-Pape and other Archierarchs realized it would be foolish to turn away such a powerful group - one that had brought a chaotic and destructive place such as the Oligarchy under its control - and called them back to Jeru-Mecca and gave them an permanent place in the FAC's organization. Things continued to improve for the order when they wrote the Laws of Inclusiveness and Tolerance for the Second Amalgamated Gathering, and where instructed to enforce it throughout the territories.

Not to say the sudden death of the Rabbi-Pape in the middle of the Gathering and the election of one of their own to the Rabbi-Papery had anything to do with it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Libros I - The Forgotten Archierarch

Four hundred years after the reign of Isaiah Francesco Asimoff IV and two hundred years after the final battle with the Galactic Catholic Church at Vatican III; the High Mufti of the Higher Wisdom Seekists and Lama-Vicar of the Linear Branch of the First Amalgamated Church was chosen by the Red Elders to ascend the Rabbi-Papal Throne. This High Mufti was one of the few Enlightened Archierarchs to gain the throne, but little to nothing is known of his life beforehand. It is said he first took the name Tsaurus X, but later changed it to Judeus XXIV, and three years later he selected another name: Barnabas II.

The Rabbi-Pape's indecisiveness was due to the closely held belief of the Higher Wisdom Seekists in Astrology and the influence of one's Zodiac Sign; The Archierarch was a Libra, and therefore was so extremely conflicted in every decision a Shadow Committee was formed to make decisions for him. While their intentions at first were geniune, this group came to realize that the Rabbi-Pape's indecisiveness could be used to their advantage. No one was quite sure who came up with the idea, but fear of losing their power, the Shadow Committee hooked him up to an elaborate throne that was in fact a time-dilated life support system.

Bound to the throne for 17,ooo years, the Rabbi-Pape became little more than a dessicated corpse with a consciousness, utterly conflicted for all his reign. The Committee would torment him with questions and force him to make decisions he was unable to, torturing him with even the most mundane of question. They even gave him the choice of coming off the throne, but he couldn't even choose whether or not to.

Eventually, the Rabbi-Pape passed from the knowledge of all the people with the exception of the Red Elders and the Committee, who used the living Rabbi-Pape to keep the Red Elders from electing a new one. The final response of the Red Elders was to liquidate the Committee and put the indecisive leader in storage on the Moon while falsely proclaiming his death. Because his name had passed from all memory and records, the Red Elders gave him the name Libros I - the Forgotten Archierarch. The people of the FAC accepted the name without problem, happy to have a change of pace in finally electing a new Rabbi-Pape after so long a time of vacancy (or, at least, what they assumed was a vacancy).

To this day he remains in lock down on the Moon, bound to the chair for all time while still contemplating a regal name for himself. The last words recorded of his was a question:

"What do you think of Paul?"

Bodhisattva Saint Lama Isaiah Francesco Asimoff IV

His High Holiness Rabbi-Pape Bodhisattva Saint Lama Isaiah Francesco Asimoff IV, the first 0.1 System Administrator of the Atheist, Agnostic, and Non-Religious Sector of the First Amalgamated Church to be elected to the Rabbi-Papery. The Red Elders of the Crimson Circle deliberated for 72 hours before choosing Asimoff, believing the AANR Sector of the Church had long been neglected in the upper-echelons of the hierarchy.

Asimoff was an effective head of the AANR Sector, but soon found the task of Rabbi-Pape daunting. Many hierarchs protested his election and choice of name - Bodhisattva Saint Lama Francesco of Tijuana was a controversial agnostic missionary who furthered the AANR Sector's influence in Proto-Civilized Societies, and the hierarchs of the Religious Adherent Sector feared he would further his own personal, atheistic agenda over the majority RA Sector's. Asimoff also raised concerns that he was going to lift John Paul George VII's bans on time-travel and time-cloning, due to the numbering of his regal name. At the time of his election, there had been no previous Rabbi-Pape's named Francesco, therefore his numbering as "the Fourth" was confusing to the masses. In his Electionary Address, he commented on his name:

"I am the Fourth because I don't want to waste time. Let my successors worry about the first, second, and third..."

Despite the opposition, Asimoff secured the support of the Hæresiarchs, which up till then had been minor officials of the Backwater Cults and Moonbase Movements. John Paul George VII had disliked the chaotic cults to such a degree he time-locked them in the 16th century - though unknowingly causing problems in the time-line due to their charismatic influence. Asimoff - in return for their support of his policies - promoted several hæresiarchs to the dignity Archierarchs over the dissenting hierarchs, giving the cults a major foothold in the FAC and undermining the influence of the RA Sector. Many of the religious faithful became disillusioned with the Archæresiarch's inconsistent doctrines, and grew tired of the other hierarch's bickering and defected to the AANR Sector.

With the sudden influx of adherents and growing support, Asimoff soon began a systematic reform of the FAC, cutting out many of the RA influences and replacing them with AANR faculties. With advances in technologies and time-warp travel, Asimoff secured his Administration for the next seven centuries by time-dilating the FAC's pocket dimension of qR; leading to a colonization of the Horse Head Nebula and conflict with Galactic Catholic Church in 4489 A.D.

Asimoff died on Second Eden in the Horse Head Nebula, when he left qR to deliver a speech and was subsequently subjected to 700 years of aging in the course of a matter of seconds. His uncorrupt body was displayed in the Basilimosque of Neb - a final dig at the RA Sector and the hierarchs who undermined him.