Asimoff was an effective head of the AANR Sector, but soon found the task of Rabbi-Pape daunting. Many hierarchs protested his election and choice of name - Bodhisattva Saint Lama Francesco of Tijuana was a controversial agnostic missionary who furthered the AANR Sector's influence in Proto-Civilized Societies, and the hierarchs of the Religious Adherent Sector feared he would further his own personal, atheistic agenda over the majority RA Sector's. Asimoff also raised concerns that he was going to lift John Paul George VII's bans on time-travel and time-cloning, due to the numbering of his regal name. At the time of his election, there had been no previous Rabbi-Pape's named Francesco, therefore his numbering as "the Fourth" was confusing to the masses. In his Electionary Address, he commented on his name:
"I am the Fourth because I don't want to waste time. Let my successors worry about the first, second, and third..."
Despite the opposition, Asimoff secured the support of the Hæresiarchs, which up till then had been minor officials of the Backwater Cults and Moonbase Movements. John Paul George VII had disliked the chaotic cults to such a degree he time-locked them in the 16th century - though unknowingly causing problems in the time-line due to their charismatic influence. Asimoff - in return for their support of his policies - promoted several hæresiarchs to the dignity Archierarchs over the dissenting hierarchs, giving the cults a major foothold in the FAC and undermining the influence of the RA Sector. Many of the religious faithful became disillusioned with the Archæresiarch's inconsistent doctrines, and grew tired of the other hierarch's bickering and defected to the AANR Sector.
With the sudden influx of adherents and growing support, Asimoff soon began a systematic reform of the FAC, cutting out many of the RA influences and replacing them with AANR faculties. With advances in technologies and time-warp travel, Asimoff secured his Administration for the next seven centuries by time-dilating the FAC's pocket dimension of qR; leading to a colonization of the Horse Head Nebula and conflict with Galactic Catholic Church in 4489 A.D.
Asimoff died on Second Eden in the Horse Head Nebula, when he left qR to deliver a speech and was subsequently subjected to 700 years of aging in the course of a matter of seconds. His uncorrupt body was displayed in the Basilimosque of Neb - a final dig at the RA Sector and the hierarchs who undermined him.
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