Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Hæresiarchian Church and Luthorian Creed

In 22,189 A.D., the FAC underwent a near splinter. The causes had been long in the making; and the blame fell mostly on the actions of Bodh. Lama St. Isaiah Francesco Asimoff I. The deceased Rabbi-Pape's promotion of the Hæresiarchs had given them such a power base that not even the Druishian Inquisitive Committee could have them removed. With citagogues and symples in virtually every Branch of the FAC and Britannia Imperium territory, the rule of the Hæresiarchs was inescapable. With the Red Elders still deliberating to elect a new Rabbi-Pape, the management fell to the Archierarchs of the Four Great Branches - in this case, the Hæresiarchs. Without the worry of a Mental Crusade or reproach of any other hierarch (for none could truly challenge them in might), the Hæresiarchs began pushing forth teachings in a dictatorial manner - and eventually an exclusive and concrete foundation began to be formed. At the head of the Hæresiarchs was Archierarch Martin Luther, who had been pull from 1546 A.D. by the Hæresiarchs to lead their cause.

Cured of any maladies and sicknesses, the renewed German theologian developed a restrictive doctrine to be implemented in the FAC - preaching that the Druishian Priesthood's Law of Tolerance and Inclusiveness was an injustice to the people of Terocea (Earth) and offensive to God. Luther drew his interpretation from the theology of the Masculine Divine Traditions within the FAC, and using fragments of the ancient and defunct text of the Judeo-Panglican Church - the King Charles Bibiloteque - he developed what was called by the FAC hierarchy 'the Luthorian Creed'. The followed

"A belief in the One, Masculine Father-God,
the five Primas,
the ineffability of the Bibiloteque,
the inscrutability of the Hæresiarchs
the rejection of the belief of non-heresy,
the rejection of polytheiogamy and
the sole acceptance of monotheiogamy..."

With the support of the Hæresiarchs, the Creed was published and preached in all of the Hæresiarch-controlled citagogues, tosques, monaseminaries, and symples. The Hæresiarchs had officially created a Church within a Church, with Luther as its Archæresiarch. When the Red Elders announced their choice for the Rabbi-Papery, they found the Branches in chaos. Abandoning their choice, they quickly re-chose their candidate as a time-clone of John Paul George, making the new Rabbi-Pape yet another clone of the man (All previous JPGs had been time-clones or bio-clones).

Rabbi-Pape John Paul George MMVI ascended the throne with little pomp and celebration, quickly summoning Luther to the FAC's pocket dimension of qR to answer for his enforcement of the shame of Creed. The Archæresiarch ignored the summons and prepared his forces for a interdimensional and intergalactic war. The Rabbi-Pape, with the support of the Britannian Empress, amassed his fleets and armies in qR; using the dimensional gates littered throughout the pocket dimension, he launched systematic attacks against the Hæresiarchian forces, killing billions of 'compromised individuals' and purging the creed-enforcers from the Great Branches. The Hæresiarchian forces were formidable, but Luther never believed the Rabbi-Pape would enforce such a slaughter of countless people, and he had instructed his forces to defend the people no matter what the cost.

His forces decimated and bastions destroyed, Archæresiarch Luther and the other Hæresiarchs fled through a dimensional portal and stole a galaxy-cruiser, fleeing into the Horse Head Nebula and eventually wandering into Galactic Catholic Church-controlled systems. What happened to them next is not known - rumors range from their exile from GCC systems, to their death in a final fight with FAC and GCC forces, to their reconciliation and acceptance into the GCC. What is known is that JPGMMVI conducted one of the most brutal and devastating Mental Crusades in the history of the FAC, mind-wiping a total of 92% of the FAC laity and 53% of the clergy, purging as much of the Luthorian Creed as he could.

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