He traveled Pavoori at once, and found the Presbylutherans hiding in the cold marshes. Moments after he announced himself, he was tried and sentenced to death by burning. Tied to the stake, he watched the matter with such general disinterest the Presbylutherans began to question him. Iohannes explained that, because of his conversion to the FAC and subsequent faithfulness, he feared nothing of death. Either God/Goddess/gods would welcome him into the afterlife, or he would simply fall into oblivion because there was no afterlife. He explained "the great and rich Church has a place for all thoughts and beliefs or none at all. Whatever is the desire of the believer, not the deity/ies."
Intrigued, the Presbylutherans withheld his sentence of death and let him preach from the stake, and Iohannes evangelized to the people for three straight days. He later attributed his zeal and stamina to, not a deity or providence, but the large quantities of speed and uppers he consumed before beginning his journey. By the end of the three days he had converted 5 of 250,000 people, the rest simply being so confused by the missionary's preaching they agreed to release him. Iohannes was not allowed to leave, but instead live amongst the Presbylutherans and continue to preach. He converted few more during his next 20 years, but succeeded in convincing them to let him return to qR and petition the Rabbi-Pape for a unique ecclesial body that would permit the Presbylutherans to join the FAC and end their persecution, but retain their unique beliefs.
Iohann left Pavoori for qR, and after many long-winded conversations with the Rabbi-Pape, succeeded in creating the Pavoori Iurisdicerate with Iohannes Vazeille as the Sui Lord. The Pavoori Iurisdicerate had no authority or influence outside its own territory, and the Druishian Priesthood Board demanded that they adhere to the "Belief is All", "Belief is None" and "No Creed Enforcement" laws. Iohannes agreed and returned to Pavoori, establishing the Iurisdicerate without any further trouble. He eventually constructed "The Last Cathedral", an massive worship center inspired by the high art of Presbylutheranism and acted as the Sui Lord's seat of power.
For the next 50 years the Pavoori Iurisdicerate flourished, albeit somewhat confined, with Vazeille as its head. At 78 years old, the Sui Lord was called upon by the Atheist, Agnostic, and Non-Religious Sector of the FAC to reform the Religious Adherent Sector after Age of Discord, an era in which the hierarchs of the FAC were greatly influenced by Discordian and Eristic philosophies and nearly lead to the annihilation of the Church as a whole. Iohannes left Pavoori in the charge of Presbylutheran Superintendent Augsburg Stanley, and traveled to qR to meet with the 0.1 System Administrator of the AANRS and the acting-Archierarch of the RAS to address the issues effecting the FAC.
With no Rabbi-Pape at the time and the Red Elders currently away electing the next successor, Iohannes was forced to address the issues at the basic levels, namely the Monaseminaries, Ward-Stakes, and Dioparchies. The 0.1 System Administrator and Iohannes manipulated the Druishian Inquisitive Committee by convincing them that the Discordian philosophy was in face a Creed being enforced, and a Mental Crusade was needed to cleanse the FAC. The result was a loss of the Archierarchs of the FAC and subsequent loss of leadership, leaving the acting-Archierarch in complete control of the FAC.
Iohannes then began enacting the reforms he had written up, pushing them through the hierarchs and bringing order back to the RAS. The reforms had a very Pavoorist slant to them, and thus many Presbylutheran ideas began to influence much of the theological and philosophical thought of the FAC. Sunni-Christianism became a popular trend in Monaseminaries (which later led to the rise of Elphias Temportus Repotus II as Guru-Imam) and led to a predominant call for Pavoorist ministers. Presbylutheran high art was adapted to the architecture of qR, and the Rabbi-Pape's Chapel in the Grand Basilimosqple reflects this influence.
Eventually, the Red Elders offered Iohannes the Rabbi-Papery, but he refused it for a wish to return to Pavoori. The Red Elders decided to elect Aleister Baronious Levironic XX (the predecessor of the current Rabbi-Pape), a sympathetic hierarch to the "Pavoori Reforms" and compromise candidate. Iohannes submitted to the new Rabbi-Pape and returned to Pavoori, where he continues to live till this day. Sui Lord Iohannes Vazeille recently celebrated his 112th birthday by having Superintendent Augsburg killed when it became clear he was behind the recent assassination attempt on the Sui Lord's life.
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